Hi everyone,

Is there any way to initialize a Simulation object (akin to the StepX 
objects found in the tutorials) in a method and then return it via 
std::move()? Or, barring that, is there a way to reinitialize an FESystem 
member variable to have a different degree? 

In the former case I run into the problem that both the DoFHandler and 
SparseMatrix objects have no move constructor defined, and in the latter 
case that FESystem has no `reinit` function nor any way (that I know of) of 
reassigning the FESystem member variable to a new FESystem instance. Are 
there fundamental reasons why these operations are not implemented, or is 
this just an uncommon use case?

For context I'm trying to deserialize a Simulation object in some method, 
but that either requires deserializing the degree and then constructing the 
object (in the method), or constructing the object outside the method, then 
changing the fe degree within the deserialize method.

Hope the question's clear, and thanks so much for the help,

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