On 2/11/22 09:54, Ali Seddiq wrote:
Thanks very much for your advice. I definitely should and will follow that.
But may I still narrow my question for a clarification (with upcoming
complexity), and as a quick question ask if adding the boundary term through
cell_rhs +=... (as above, and very similar to step-7 in terms of
implementation, with minor modifications for a vector problem) leads it to get
recognized as the second (row) component of the BlockVector F
(system_rhs.block(1)) at the right hand side of the linear system? I mean are
there any other general requirements thanadding "fe_face_values[U2]..." to the
cell_rhs for this purpose?
Ali -- there is really not enough information on your question to answer this
way or that way.
You have to learn how to debug these sorts of things. If I understand what you
are asking correctly, you want to know whether a particular syntax
is/can/should be used to put a specific entry into the right hand side vector.
This is not hard to check. Modify your program so that it has, for example,
only one or at most four cells (in 2d). Modify your program so that the
assembly function only has code for the one term for which you want to find
out what it does. Modify your program so that you output the right hand side
vector right after assembly. Then compare what you get with what you expect to
see. If it is the same, you just proved yourself that your code is doing what
you were hoping. If it is not the same, then it is time to reconsider.
These sorts of debugging skills are something you have to acquire. It takes
time to ask others questions, and it often takes substantial time to obtain
answers. It is usually faster to just find these answers yourself. You also
learn more this way.
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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