Whoops, this one was indeed a silly error! The problem had nothing to do 
with the `get_function_values` function. Rather, it only showed up there 
because that is the only place that I use ghost elements. These weren't 
being updated because (as clearly stated in the ghost vector documentation 
one should not write to a ghosted vector, except by a copy assignment from 
a completely distributed (non-ghost) vector. I fixed the problem by copying 
the `locally_relevant_solution` vector into a 
`completely_distributed_solution` vector, adding the update there, and then 
copying back over to the `locally_relevant_solution` vector.

As an aside, is there a way to throw a warning/error if one tries to write 
to a ghosted vector with anything except a completely distributed vector? 
If possible, it might save someone some frustration...

In any case, so sorry for all the spam.

Kind regards,

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 4:31:21 PM UTC-6 Lucas Myers wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been trying to write a parallel distributed solution to a nonlinear 
> PDE using Newton's method. It runs fine on one rank, but when I use two the 
> solver fails to converge on the second iteration. I've tracked the 
> difference (between one rank and two) down to the `get_function_values` 
> function evaluating the previous solution at quadrature points differently. 
> This seems to happen only near the boundaries of regions owned by different 
> ranks. I figure this is some sort of synchronization error, but I cannot 
> figure out how to fix it. I believe that I am calling `compress` when is 
> necessary, and call `update_ghost_values` prior to calling 
> `get_function_values`. However, I am still getting the difference.
> To help with debugging, I've tried to write a program which mimics the 
> behavior in as few lines as possible (~150 with comments and whitespace). I 
> attach it here in case it helps identify my (hopefully silly) error. 
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Lucas

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