Hi folks,

I figured out the problem and am posting it here for sake of posterity:

When one installs dealii with a bundled library (e.g. Boost), the header 
files of the bundled version of that library are copied to 
`${DEAL_II_PATH}/${DEAL_II_INCLUDE_RELDIR}$/deal.II/bundled`. This include 
directory is also passed in as a flag to the compiler by cmake whenever 
find_package() is used to find dealii. Additionally, it's not possible (so 
far as I can tell) to pass in the standard system include directories (e.g. 
/usr/local/include) and have cmake generate an include compiler flag which 
takes precedence over other include compiler flags. That is, if I use 
`include_directories("/usr/local/include")`, cmake does not actually 
include a `-I/usr/local/include` compiler flag in the Makefile. Hence, the 
bundled version will always take precedent over the external version, even 
if dealii is reconfigured and reinstalled with external dependencies. 

My solution was just to manually remove the `boost` folder from 
`${DEAL_II_PATH}/${DEAL_II_INCLUDE_RELDIR}$/deal.II/bundled`. Not sure if 
there is a way to fix this during re-installation of dealii in case someone 
wants to reinstall with a different configuration...

- Lucas

On Monday, October 25, 2021 at 10:33:07 AM UTC-5 Lucas Myers wrote:

> Hi Jean-Paul,
> Sorry to bring this back up again, but I'm running into it after 
> installing dealii on a new machine -- last time the solution was just to 
> delete the entire dealii installation and do a clean reinstall. That's 
> annoying, so I want to avoid if possible.
> To reiterate: I first installed dealii with the packaged Boost version 
> (1.70). Then, I installed the newest workable Boost version (1.76) and 
> reinstalled. The installation didn't give any errors, and the detailed.log 
> file says that dealii was set up with external dependencies, using Boost 
> version (1.76). However, when I try to build anything using the standard 
> cmake files included in the examples, the deal.II/base/config.h file 
> complains that I have the wrong boost version because when dealii includes 
> boost, the include directory points to the packaged boost instead of the 
> external boost.
> Following your suggestion, I tried to pass in the -DBOOST_DIR flag when 
> cmaking the examples, but it says that the variable is unused -- I suspect 
> you meant to pass that into cmake when building and configuring the initial 
> dealii installation. I've also attached the requested files, but I think 
> that the initial installation worked so I'm not sure what you'll find there.
> One question to maybe get started: in the context of building one of the 
> examples (say step-1), how does dealii know where to look for boost when it 
> calls the deal.II/base/config.h file? I reckon it tells cmake where to look 
> "DEAL_II_INVOKE_AUTOPILOT" macros, but I don't know enough about cmake to 
> know where to look.
> Let me know if you know the answer to my question, or a workaround, and 
> thanks so much for any help.
> Kind regards,
> Lucas
> On Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 1:55:48 PM UTC-5 Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
>> Hi Lucas,
>> The documentation that describes how to configure CMake options for 
>> external libraries is here: 
>> https://dealii.org/developer/users/cmake_dealii.html#configureext . You 
>> should just need to pass cmake the flag -DBOOST-DIR=<PATH_TO_BOOST> 
>> (with the correct path added, of course. From your first post, I think that 
>> this would just be /usr). To be safe, you probably want to delete the 
>> CMakeCache.txt before reconfiguring. You should also take a look at this 
>> section: 
>> https://dealii.org/developer/users/cmake_dealii.html#buildinformation . 
>> There you can see that when an external version of boost is detected and 
>> can be used, this status should be reflected at the end of the 
>> configuration process, e.g.
>> # Configured Features (DEAL_II_ALLOW_BUNDLED = ON, 
>> # DEAL_II_WITH_BOOST set up with external dependencies 
>> # [...] 
>> If you pass the boost directory to CMake and then don't see a message 
>> like that, then it doesn't necessarily mean that the boost path wasn't 
>> found -- it could also mean that this specific installation of boost was 
>> not found to be usable (i.e. it didn't pass the checks that are executed 
>> during the configuration process). To understand why that could be, you'd 
>> have to provide us with the detailed.log file, along with two log files 
>> that CMake generates, namely <BUILD_DIR>/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log and 
>> <BUILD_DIR>/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log.
>> I hope that this helps you sort out this issue.
>> Best,
>> Jean-Paul
>> On Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 6:36:55 PM UTC+2 lucasm...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> This problem is back, and I'm not sure what to do about it. To solve the 
>>> problem, I updated boost to the newest version (1.76.0), and then 
>>> reinstalled the newest dealii release (9.3.1). I configured it to use 
>>> external dependency for boost so that it configured and installed with 
>>> boost version 1.76.0. It was working for a while for some reason, but then 
>>> it broke again after updating cmake to the newest version. 
>>> I reinstalled the newest dealii version with external dependency for 
>>> boost, and it gives the error that it was giving before. Again, I think the 
>>> problem is that on line 506 of /include/deal.II/base/config.h there is a 
>>> #include<boost/version.hpp> which is pointing to the bundled boost version 
>>> as opposed to the externally installed one. How do I get this + all other 
>>> include directives to point to the proper boost installation? I think this 
>>> is a cmake problem, but I do not know how to tell the compiler where the 
>>> proper boost installation is.
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Lucas
>>> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 4:49:28 PM UTC-5 Lucas Myers wrote:
>>>> Update: the problem is that, when I installed the newest version of 
>>>> dealii, the boost version that I had separately installed was 1.67.0. 
>>>> Instead of using the version bundled in dealii (version 1.70.0), dealii 
>>>> configured with the separately installed version. However, whenever it 
>>>> does 
>>>> the compilation check, it #includes the bundled version of boost. I'm not 
>>>> sure why it does that, because when I run a loose source file (e.g. 
>>>> `boost_test.cpp` in my home directory) with boost included, it uses the 
>>>> separately installed version. 
>>>> In any case, I think the fix will be to uninstall boost, and then 
>>>> re-install dealii so that it uses its bundled version. Just wanted to make 
>>>> a note about it because I think this is unintended behavior. 
>>>> - Lucas
>>>> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 3:46:17 PM UTC-5 Lucas Myers wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> I'm getting the error "The version number of boost that you are 
>>>>> compiling with does not match the version number of boost found during 
>>>>> deal.II's configuration step." when I try to compile the first tutorial 
>>>>> program. It is thrown at /usr/local/include/deal.II/base/config.h:508:17
>>>>> This is confusing to me, because when I go into 
>>>>> /usr/include/boost/version.hpp, it states that my BOOST_VERSION is 
>>>>> 106700. 
>>>>> Further, in /usr/local/include/deal.II/base/config.h, it says that my 
>>>>> DEAL_II_BOOST_VERSION_SUBMINOR is 0 which makes my 
>>>>> DEAL_II_BOOST_VERSION_GTE 106700, the same as what boost says it ought to 
>>>>> be.
>>>>> For context, I had installed dealii version 9.2.0 earlier, but had 
>>>>> problems when I tried to update it to include CUDA (I think there was 
>>>>> some 
>>>>> API change with CUDA 11). I then installed dealii version 9.3.1 (without 
>>>>> doing anything to the other version). Now none of the example files in 
>>>>> version 9.3.1 will compile.
>>>>> Any help is appreciated, thanks so much
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Lucas

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