On 10/20/21 2:20 PM, Ali Seddiq wrote:
So according to that, is it still correct if I sum up the equations in
discretized form? (Considering the fact that they're still containing trial
and test functions, though in discretized form).
No. It is the presence of the "for all test functions v,q" that makes that
possible. When you form a concrete row of the matrix, you are considering a
specific test function with index i.
Also could you please point me out to an example or a universal approach to
implement equations in matrix-vector forms (linear systems)? Mixed Laplace
seems to be serving as a typical example in this regard but not sure as it
also involves some considerations on preconditioning and solver usage.
Have you taken a look at the documentation module on vector-valued problems?
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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