On 7/12/21 5:56 PM, Lucas Myers wrote:

I'd like to apply a method to a finite element function (that is, something that looks like the solution vectors) in order to get another finite element function. For example, suppose my finite element function is a symmetric rank-2 tensor in type, and I would like a finite element function which is a vector of its eigenvalues. I haven't been able to find anything in the tutorials which do this (though maybe I'm skimming too much).

My naive approach would be to (i) construct a dealii Function which evaluates some finite element vector (function?) at a given point and then (ii) use the Interpolation or Projection functions from the VectorTools namespace. However, I am not sure whether Interpolation or Projection would be a better idea. Further, I don't know how to evaluate a finite element function at an arbitrary point -- only at quadrature points via the FEValues class. Also I would be unsure how to build that into a Function class.

Let me know if there's a better way to do this -- it seems like something that's probably already implemented.

do I understand right that what you want is something like
  v_h = f(u_h)
where f(u) is some function of the solution? If so, you're right that that cannot hold pointwise if u_h is a finite element function and v_h should also be a finite element function unless f has a special structure and the spaces for u_h and v_h match. So you need
  v_h = I_h f(u_h)            -- interpolation
  v_h = Pi_h f(u_h)           -- projection
Which of these two you choose typically depends on the application you have. The projection only requires you to apply f at quadrature points, and so that's going to be easy. For I_h, you need to evaluate f(u) at the *nodal* points of the space for v_h. That too is not complicated but you probably want to write the interpolation function yourself, after looking at how this is implemented in VectorTools::interpolate.

The cheap way to do the latter (but also the slow way) is to use the FEFieldFunction class to evaluate u_h at arbitrary points. You'd then write your own class derived from Function that gets a point as argument, calls FEFieldFunction to evaluate u_h(x), computes f(u_h(x)), and returns that value. This kind of function you can then provide to VectorTools::interpolate. The problem is that FEFieldFunction is expensive. If you don't care about speed, this is the way to go. If you do for whatever reason care about speed, go with the approach in the previous paragraph :-)


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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