Hi Lucas,

C++ doesn't allow us to overload operator[] with multiple arguments so that 
indexing has to be with single values - so yes, it's a language thing. This 
matches the C usage of square brackets where they only accept one value at a 

The state attribute is automatically set by whatever functions you call - you 
should never need to mess with it (and in debug mode the class should abort if 
you try to do something that is inconsistent with the current state of the 
matrix). Internally, LAPACK typically modifies matrices in-place so 
LAPACKFullMatrix behaves in a similar way. The only other place I would look 
for documentation is that class's own page:


If you have to do Newton iteration by setting up a Jacobian and solving a 
matrix then what you did makes sense. No matter what, if you are doing 
iterations, you have to compute a new Jacobian and solve a new linear system. 
The reinit() call is not expensive - it just zeros the data, which is O(n^2) 
for an n x n matrix (as opposed to the LU factorization which is O(n^3)).

If you want to save some time you can reuse Jacobians (and therefore their 
factorizations) in Newton's method but that will cause things to converge more 
slowly, but it can be tricky to determine how often to recompute the Jacobian.

Is it bad programming practice to not reinitialize it? It isn't the worst thing 
you can do, but reinitializing it to guarantee that there aren't any irrelevant 
values stored is the right choice. In this case I think you have to reinitalize 
the matrix in order to keep the state of the matrix consistent (it doesn't make 
sense to modify a matrix containing an LU factorization computed by LAPACK 
unless you have some knowledge of how LAPACK internally stores the 
factorization), so you need to do it no matter what.

David Wells
From: dealii@googlegroups.com <dealii@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Lucas 
Myers <lucasmyer...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 4:04 PM
To: deal.II User Group <dealii@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [deal.II] 5x5 Matrix Inversion Problem

Hi David,

Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for! For some reason I was 
trying to use the square bracket notation. Is there any reason why the (i, j) 
syntax is used rather than [i, j]? Is it just a restriction of c++?

A few follow-up questions about the LAPACKFullMatrix class: is there anywhere 
that I can find more information about the class besides the reference 
 In particular, I'm wondering how to deal with the state attribute. It looks 
like the compute_lu_factorization() method sets the state to lu (reasonable), 
but I'd like to repopulate the same matrix (meaning it has to be in the matrix 
state, I think). For now I'm using reinit() because that seems to change the 
state back to matrix, but I worry that it's expensive to keep reinitializing 
the matrix every Newton's method iteration. Is there a way to avoid 
reinitializing it? And is it bad programming practice to not reinitialize it?

Again, thanks so much for the help.

Kind regards,

On Monday, June 21, 2021 at 1:08:50 PM UTC-5 Wells, David wrote:
Hi Lucas,

You should be able to use syntax like

A(i, j) = 5;

to assign values to a FullMatrix - it's what we do in most of the tutorial 
programs. TableIndices are somewhat hard to use (you are right) - they are 
intended to be used as a generic interface to Table<N, T> where N is not known 
until compile time. Once you populate the matrix, you should be able to do what 
you mentioned before with the Gauss-Jordan algorithm to get the inverse.

That being said - do you need the inverse itself, or the action of the inverse? 
If you only ever need the action of the inverse a much better approach would be 
to use LAPACKFullMatrix and factorize it (via 
LAPACKFullMatrix::compute_lu_factorization() and LAPACKFullMatrix::solve()) 
since there is a significant amount of roundoff error accumulation in computing 

The Solver classes are more than you need here - they are optimized for large 
sparse problems, not small dense ones.

David Wells

From: dea...@googlegroups.com <dea...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Lucas 
Myers <lucasm...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2021 1:50 PM
To: deal.II User Group <dea...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [deal.II] 5x5 Matrix Inversion Problem

Hi Everyone,

I have a problem wherein one of the terms in my PDE is a 5-component vector 
function \Lambda of the 5-component solution vector Q. However, I only have an 
explicit formula for Q as a function of \Lambda and so I am trying to write a 
numerical inversion class (as a `dealii::Function`) to get \Lambda as a 
function of Q.

I am using Newton's method, and so I need to solve a 5x5 matrix equation. I was 
planning on just inverting the Jacobian which I have implemented as a 
`dealii::Tensor`, but it looks like the `invert` function is only implemented 
up to dimension 3 (?). It looks like the `dealii::FullMatrix` class can do this 
via a Gauss Jordan method, but I was having some trouble using the `FullMatrix` 
class directly. In particular, to read and write individual elements I need to 
create a `dealii::TableIndices` object, which seems tedious and makes me think 
it's meant to be used internally.

Given all this, I am looking for advice at any level: is this a reasonable way 
to numerically get \Lambda as a function of Q? Is it recommended to use a 
`dealii::Tensor` object as opposed to a `dealii::FullMatrix` object? And if I 
am supposed to use the latter, is there a nicer way to index it than with the 
`dealii::TableIndices` object? Lastly is it a good idea to be using an `invert` 
operation to solve the Newton's method linear equation? I know that the `Eigen` 
package recommends against that 
here<https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TutorialLinearAlgebra.html>, and 
instead recommends one of its solution methods. I haven't seen any of those 
here besides one of the `Solver` classes, but those seem like a lot of overhead 
for a 5x5 matrix (I'm going to have to do this operation for every degree of 
freedom, so I want too minimize overhead). I also don't really want to use the 
Eigen package, just because (1) I want to avoid unnecessary value-copying and 
(2) I'd like to not have to try to interface multiple packages.

Any help is appreciated, and let me know if you need more information about the 

Kind regards,

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