
I have just started in dealii and going through the tutorials to solve a Neumann boundary value problem.

I have the following situation: the Neumann boundary data (say g) is defined as a Function and theĀ  solution obtained by solving my pde is a Vector<double> (say v). How do I take the L2 inner product of g and trace(v). How do I get this inner product between a Function and a Vector <double>.

I can find each face which is on the boundary and I can get the values of g at all the
quadrature points of the face and the JxW at those points. However, to obtain 
surface intergral, I also need the values of v at these quadrature points. How can I get
the values at the quadrature points of the solution v?

Your inner product is, I assume, an integral over the boundary. Boundary integrals are always computed via the FEFaceValues class, in the same way as integrals over cells are computed via the FEValues class.

To get the solution values at quadrature points you would use the FEFaceValues::get_function_values() function. This is no different than what FEValues::get_function_values() does for quadrature points on cells, which is something you can find in a number of tutorial programs (e.g., step-9, step-21, or step-15's and step-19's use of the corresponding get_function_gradients() function).


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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