On 5/25/21 8:42 PM, Corbin Foucart wrote:
I'm doing something very similar to Spencer. The answers provided by Prof.
Bangerth and Bruno make sense, up to one question:
The first two yes. If you do it right, i.e., ensure that the velocity
DoFHandler numbers degrees of freedom in the same order as the system
DoFHandler does, then you won't need a separate solution vector -- you can
just use a block of your block vector.
How would one go about ensuring that the velocity DoFHandler numbers the DOF
in the same order as the system DoFHandler does? Is there a way to build the
former from the latter?
Good question. The answer is that if you just call
DoFHandler::distribute_dofs(), then the order in which the velocities are
numbered in the two DoFHandlers is the same. This order is preserved if you
then call DoFRenumbering::component_wise on one or both of them, and that
guarantees that the elements of vectors match.
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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