Dear Dr. Wolgang Bangerth

Certainly that is the case as you illustrated since I am installing deal.II
9.0.0 in order to run PRISMS-PF and my Trilinos is not built with MueLu
which was creating an issue so I excluded the installation with trilinos
during the installation of deal.II and managed to successfully install in
with an error in one of the file where in " MPI_Type_struct(2,
lengths, displacements, types, &type); " line has deprecated MPI function
which I replaced with a newer alternative of this function that
transitioned the successful installation process

Moreover,I am thankful for the quick reply on my query and I would be glad
if my above observations prove to be of any relevance in the development of

Pushkar Anirudha Pandit

On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 4:20 AM Wolfgang Bangerth <>

> On 4/2/21 4:29 AM, wrote:
> >
> > /home/pushkar/dealii-9.0.0/source/lac/
> fatal
> > error: MueLu_EpetraOperator.hpp: No such file or directory
> >     34 | #  include <MueLu_EpetraOperator.hpp>
> Pushkar -- the questions to ask are (i) does this file exist, (ii) if it
> does,
> why is the compiler not finding it, (iii) if it does not exist, why not?
> MueLu is a part of the Trilinos software. It is conceivable that it was
> part
> of previous Trilinos versions, but is no longer. The current deal.II
> version
> no longer #includes this file, which suggests that indeed that file has
> gone
> away. So we would have fixed this in newer deal.II versions, and one of
> the
> possibilities is that you happen to have an old deal.II but new Trilinos
> version and that these are just no longer compatible. If that is so, you
> will
> have to either upgrade to a newer deal.II version or downgrade Trilinos to
> an
> older version.
> Best
>   W.
> --
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