Dear all, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

I am developing a time dependent multi-physics coupled analysis using  the 
deallii matrix free library and I have 2 questions to ask .

First, in my problem, I have a filed variable that will be determined from 
a table of pre-esixting results. This variable is a function of three main 
solution parameters:
var = f(u1,u2,u3). 
f(u1,u2,u3) has been already determined from a previous analysis and stored 
in a 3-D table. 
I am planning to use an interpolation function to get the exact the value 
of var during each time step and at each quad point. does dealii has a 
native linear interpolation capability?

Second, In the model, one of the equations has a coefficient that is the 
function of a heesien(u3) of the one of the solution variables.  This 
coefficient is going to be submitted to both .submitvalue and 

Does the matrix free library support vector  coefficients ? 

Thank you

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