Marc and others have already answered the technical details, so just one
overall comment:
Let me explain what I am trying to do and why.
I want to solve a transient heat transfer problem of the additive
manufacturing (AM) process. In AM processes, metal powder is deposited in
layers, and then a laser source scans each layer and melts and bonds the
powder to the layer underneath it. To simulate this layer by layer process, I
want to start with a grid that covers all the layers, but initially, only the
bottom-most layer is active and all other layers are inactive, and then as
time progresses, I want to activate one layer at a time. I read on this
mailing list that cell "birth" or "activation" can be done by changing a cell
from FE_Nothing to FE_Q using p-refinement. I was trying to keep all cells of
the grid initially to FE_Nothing except the bottom-most layer. And then
convert one layer at a time to FE_Q. My questions are:
1. Does this make sense?
Yes, this is how I would do things as well. It is quite possible that nobody
has ever tried this, and that some of the steps don't work without further
modification -- but whatever doesn't work should be treated as either a
missing feature, or a bug. The general approach is sound.
When I try to build a code with a work flow that is not quite standard, I
(like you) frequently run into things that don't quite work. My usual approach
is then to write a small and self-contained test case that illustrates the
issue without the overhead of the actual application. Most of the time, one
can show the issue with <100 lines of code. This then goes into a github issue
so that one can write a fix for this particular problem without having to
understand the overall code architecture, the application, etc. I would
encourage you to follow this kind of work-flow!
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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