Hi Maurice!

On Monday, November 16, 2020 at 8:09:14 AM UTC-7 maurice....@googlemail.com 

> Looking at the doc of `collect_periodic_faces` (This function will collect 
> periodic face pairs on the coarsest mesh level of the given mesh (a 
> Triangulation 
> <https://www.dealii.org/9.0.0/doxygen/deal.II/classTriangulation.html> or 
> DoFHandler 
> <https://www.dealii.org/9.0.0/doxygen/deal.II/classDoFHandler.html>) and 
> add them to the vector matched_pairs leaving the original contents 
> intact.)  the resulting vector will only contain parent cells, on which the 
> call `is_artifiical()` is not possible. 

It appears to me that `GridTools::get_active_child_cells()` is the function 
you are looking for (see here 
In your case, you would get all active children of the coarsest mesh cells 
if applied on the results of `GridTools::collect_periodic_faces()`. You can 
iterate over those and identify which one of them are located at the 

However, I am not sure whether `GridTools::get_active_child_cells()` works 
with `parallel::distributed::Triangulations`. If it does though, the 
results may contain locally owned, ghost, and/or artificial cells. As the 
results will be all active cells, you are able to check for these 
attributes, i.e., check which ones are locally relevant.

Hope this helps!


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