Thanks, Wolfgang,
 I replaced the previous right-hand matrix with a point vector
But when I Debug my file,  It reminds me that

*1>D:\dealii-9.2.0\dealii-9.2.0\examples\step-8p1\,4): error 
C2672: “create_point_source_vector”: no matching overloaded function found*

 So do I have to modify the code of this part of the assembly system?  How 
to modify this part?

Attach part of the code.

for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
cell_matrix = 0;
cell_rhs = 0;
lambda.value_list(fe_values.get_quadrature_points(), lambda_values);
mu.value_list(fe_values.get_quadrature_points(), mu_values);
*create_point_source_vector(fe_values.get_quadrature_points(), rhs_values);*


在2020年11月12日星期四 UTC+8 上午12:47:55<Wolfgang Bangerth> 写道:

> On 11/10/20 8:53 PM, Nick Wang wrote:
> > I probably understand that I need to add a vector force to change my 
> right 
> > hand matrix
> > But I am not very good at modifying this part of the content through 
> code of 
> > Deal.ii
> > How can mathematical knowledge be transformed into deal.ii code?
> > So do I need to replace the original right-hand matrix on the basis of 
> step8?
> Correct. If you want a point load, you need to replace the right hand side 
> used there by code similar to the one I pointed out.
> Best
> WB
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth email:
> www:

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