Hello everyone! This is deal.II newsletter #142. It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.
## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features: #11177: Make assert more verbose in FEEvaluation (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11177 #11176: QCollection<dim> accept Quadrature<1> (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11176 #11175: Fix typo (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11175 #11171: Deprecate hp::DoFHandler. (proposed by marcfehling) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11171 #11170: Deprecated FiniteElement::operator[]. (proposed by marcfehling; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11170 #11169: Deprecate MatrixFree::reinit() functions with default Mapping argument (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11169 #11168: Make MatrixFree compile for arbitrary dim quadrature rules (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11168 #11167: [WIP] Add test: MatrixFree + simplex mesh (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11167 #11165: Fix typo in class documentation of "FEEvaluation" (proposed by mschreter; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11165 #11164: Define DEAL_II_MPI_VERSION_GTE also for serial compilation (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11164 #11163: Move GhostParticlePartitioner (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11163 #11162: Add reference to skew-symmetric implementation in step-67 (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11162 #11161: Functions of hp::Refinement now only available for DoFHandler in hp mode. (proposed by marcfehling; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11161 #11160: Deprecate DoFHandler initialization interface. (proposed by marcfehling) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11160 #11159: parallel running version of multigrid Cuthill McKee reordering (proposed by mathsen) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11159 #11158: [WIP] Add step-67b (proposed by peterrum) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11158 #11157: Fix fe_face_evaluation_process_and_io for multiple components (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11157 #11156: Improve VectorDataExchange::Full::reset_ghost_values (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11156 #11154: Fix compute_shared_memory_contiguous_indices (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11154 #11153: Avoid using deprecated DoFHandler properties in tests. (proposed by marcfehling) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11153 #11152: Finish mechanism for the update of ghost particles (proposed by blaisb; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11152 #11151: Fix sm-mode L:d:V for zero sized vectors (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11151 #11150: Use mpi_processes_within_communicator (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11150 #11149: Clean up distribute_dofs(). (proposed by marcfehling) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11149 #11148: Allow user to specify CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER (proposed by masterleinad) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11148 #11147: Simplify simplify_categorize_by_boundary_ids (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11147 #11145: Adjusted mg_constrained_dofs for usage of own IndexSets (proposed by mathsen; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11145 #11143: step-7: mark some ints as doubles (proposed by tjhei; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11143 #11141: Add internal::TriangulationImplementation::ImplementationMixedMesh (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11141 #11134: Expose mesh loop bug for anisotropic grids. (proposed by luca-heltai; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11134 #11133: Rework DoFHandler connections to underlying Triangulation. (proposed by marcfehling; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11133 #11131: Transfinite interpolation: add a test (proposed by tamiko; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11131 #11109: pass MPI_Comm by const ref (proposed by tjhei; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11109 #11097: Use dof_indices_contiguous_sm in evaluation functions (proposed by peterrum; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11097 #10899: Support ExodusII with GridIn (proposed by drwells; merged) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/10899 ## And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions: #11174: hp::DoFHandler produces duplicate dof indices for FE_Q(2) (opened) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11174 #11173: Replace deprecated MatrixFree::reinit() from tests (opened) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11173 #11172: Make OS bundle automatic (opened) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11172 #11166: Make MatrixFree work for simplex meshes (opened) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11166 #11155: step-67: move RK coeffients into TimeStepping (opened) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11155 #11146: FE_Nedelec for degree=8? (opened and closed) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11146 #11138: Linker error 9.2.0 dmg on MacOS Catalina: argument list too long (closed) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11138 #11107: pass MPI_Comm by value or reference? (closed) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11107 #11093: Provide a mechanism to update ghost_particles location and properties without regenerating them (closed) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/11093 #9347: Generalize Matrixfree::get_cell_iterator() (closed) https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/9347 A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/recent_changes.html. Thanks for being part of the community! Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to dealii@googlegroups.com, or by opening issues or pull requests at https://www.github.com/dealii/dealii. Additional information can be found at https://www.dealii.org/. -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to dealii+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/dealii/5fad6a30.1c69fb81.7395e.67d7SMTPIN_ADDED_MISSING%40gmr-mx.google.com.