Hi, there!

I have a question concerning the use of the function 


Iteration is used to find a numerical solution. We know that
  system_matrix is independent of the iterate and remains unchanged during 
the iteration
  system_rhs depends on the iterate so it changes during the iteration 

Below is the pseudo-code of the program.

  initialize iterate u;
  assemble system_matrix; //Just once
  assemble system_rhs; //1st time
  call apply_boundary_values(); //Apply bdry 1st time
  while ( not converged ) {
    solve FEM to get new iterate u;
    assemble system_rhs; // repeated 
    call apply_boundary_values(); // repeated

My question is: will the repeated call to function apply_boundary_values() 
inside the loop
alter the system_matrix that is meant to be constant (independent of 
iterate u)?

If the answer is no, then the above code will be fine, I guess.

If the answer is yes, I guess I'll need to assemble system_matrix inside 
the loop repeatedly
even though it is independent of the iterate u.

Thanks for any assistance.

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