I am writing a space-time adaptive algorithm (dG in time, cG in space) for 
a blowup problem and have an a posteriori error estimator computed on a 
union grid of up to three different grids. I then need to transfer this 
error estimator to my current triangulation. I can match the cells across 
the grids up to one level just fine using the following code

const std::list<std::pair<typename Triangulation<dim>::cell_iterator, 
typename Triangulation<dim>::cell_iterator>> cell_list = 
GridTools::get_finest_common_cells (triangulation_space, 
auto cell_iter = cell_list.begin();

    for (; cell_iter != cell_list.end(); ++cell_iter)
    if (cell_iter->second->has_children () == false)
    refinement_vector(cell_iter->first->active_cell_index()) = 
    const unsigned int no_of_subcells = cell_iter->second->n_children();

        for (unsigned int subcell = 0; subcell < no_of_subcells; ++subcell)
        refinement_vector(cell_iter->first->active_cell_index()) = 

but this only works under the assumption that the current grid differs from 
the union grid by one level which may not necessarily be the case. 
Obviously I could add "n" inner loops to this in order to take care of up 
to n different levels between the triangulations but this makes the code 
more unreadable and is not very "elegant". Does anybody have a better 
suggestion? Thanks!

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