Hi Wolfgang,

thanks a ton for taking a look at my silly example!
- It seems like I am now finally really at a point where an update is 
inevitable! ; )
... maybe just rewriting my codes to fit a newer version would have saved 
me loads of time in the long run,
but I am happy that remains a mistery.

So, I will update and comment here afterwards; 
also, I will work on the mwe as you suggested in case the upgrade does not 
get rid of the problem.


Am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 01:51:41 UTC+2 schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth:
> Richard, 
> > I am working on incompressible flow problems and stumbled upon an issue 
> when 
> > calling PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix::mmult(), 
> > but before I describe the problem in more detail, let me comment on the 
> basic 
> > building blocks of the MWE: 
> > 
> > (i) parallel::distributed::Triangulation & either PETSc or Trilinos 
> linear 
> > algebra packages 
> > (ii) dim-dimensional vector-valued FE space for velocity components & 
> > scalar-valued FE space for pressure, 
> > simply constructed via: 
> > FESystem<dim> fe (FE_Q<dim>(vel_degree), dim, 
> >                                   FE_Q<dim>(press_degree), 1); 
> > 
> > So, after integrating the weak form -- or just filling the matrices with 
> some 
> > entries -- we end up with a block system 
> > A u + B p = f 
> > C u + D p = g. 
> > To construct some preconditioners, we have to perform some matrix-matrix 
> products: 
> > either for the Schur complement 
> > (a) S = D - C inv(diag(A)) B 
> > or some A_gamma 
> > (b) A_gamma = A + gamma * B inv(diag(Mp)) C. 
> > 
> > Comletely ignoring now, why that might be necessary or not 
> > (I know that there is the possibility of assembling a grad-div term and 
> using a 
> > Laplacian on the pressure space to account for the reaction term, 
> > but that is not really an option in the stabilized case), 
> > we need those matrix products, and here comes the problem: 
> > 
> > using either PETSc or Trilinos I get identical matrix-products when 
> calling 
> > mmult(), BUT 
> > when using PETSc, the RAM is slowly but steadily filled (up to 500GB on 
> our 
> > local cluster) 
> > 
> > I came up with the MWE attached, which does nothing else than 
> initializing the 
> > system 
> > and then constructs the matrix product 1000 times in a row. 
> Nice! Can I ask you to play with this some more? I think you can make that 
> code even more minimal: 
> * Remove all of the commented out stuff -- for the purposes of reproducing 
> the 
> problem it shouldn't matter. 
> * Move the matrix initialization code out of the main loop. You want to 
> show 
> that it's the mmult that is the problem, but you're having a lot of other 
> code 
> in there as well that could in principle be the issue. If you move the 
> initialization of the individual factors out of the loop and only leave 
> whatever is absolutely necessary for the mmult in the loop, then you've 
> reduced the number of places where one needs to look. 
> * I bet you could trim down the list of #includes by a good bit :-) 
> You seem to be using a pretty old version of deal.II. There are a number 
> of 
> header files that no longer exist, and some code that doesn't compile for 
> me. 
> For your reference, attached is a version that compiles on the current 
> master 
> branch (though with a number of warnings). That said, it seems like the 
> memory 
> doesn't explode for me -- which raises the question of which version of 
> deal.II and PETSc you use. For me, this is deal.II dev and PETSc 3.7.5. 
> > Am I doing anything wrong or is this supposed to be used differently? 
> > I am using dealii v.9.0.1 installed via candi, so maybe the old version 
> is the 
> > reason. 
> Possible -- no need to chase an old bug that has already been fixed if you 
> can 
> simply upgrade. 
> > Bonus question: 
> > Is there a way similar to hand the sparsity patterns over to the mmult 
> function? 
> > (For the dealii::SparseMatrix there is, which is why I am asking) 
> DynamicSparsityPattern has compute_mmult_pattern, which should give you a 
> sparsity pattern you can then use to initialize the resulting PETSc 
> matrix. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bang...@colostate.edu 
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 

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