Denis Davydov, who has been one of the Principal Developers of deal.II since 2015, has decided to step down from this role after leaving academia last year. I would like to take the opportunities to say a few words about him.

Denis is an applied mathematician with a focus on mechanics problems, and more specifically on quantum mechanical models of materials. He originally was a user of deal.II, like most on this mailing list, but eventually started contributing code and, after some time, becoming a principal developer. Going through the changelogs of the last few versions turns up quite a long list of functionality Denis has contributed -- I find it difficult to summarize because his work is really all over the library, but a short summary would have to include the following topics:
* A lot of Denis' work had a relationship to eigenvalue problems, and that led
 to substantial improvements of deal.II's support of complex-valued problems,
 new and improved interfaces to eigenvalue solvers ARPACK and SLEPc, as well
 as to the LAPACK and ScaLAPACK packages.
* He has also done a lot of work related to hp functionality, including
 classes that estimate the smoothness of a solution and can be used to
 decide between h and p refinement.
* There are also the parallel::shared::Triangulation class, the BFGS solver
 and line search functionality that are almost entirely his alone.

Projects like deal.II are technical in some sense, and it's easy to forget that those involved are people as well. One of the things I enjoy most about deal.II is the collective, that the people who run it get along well and are all also friends. Denis is Russian by origin, living in Germany. I don't think I've met him more than 3 or 4 times, but have always enjoyed his humor and humanity. I personally look forward to staying friends with him. As a project, we all owe him for both for his technical work as well as the personal touch and mentorship he has brought to his approach to leadership!

Thanks you Denis, and good luck on your future endeavors!
  Wolfgang, & all of the other Principal Developers

Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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