
I am wondering if anybody has also found that the inverse of the Jacobian 
from FE Values, with MappingQGeneric does not satisfy the Geometric 
Conservation Law (GCL), in the sense of:

Kopriva, David A. "Metric identities and the discontinuous spectral element 
method on curvilinear meshes." *Journal of Scientific Computing* 26.3 
(2006): 301.

on curvilinear elements/manifolds in 3D.
That is:
\frac{\partial }{\partial \hat{x}_1} *det(J)* \frac{\partial \hat{x}_1 
}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial }{\partial \hat{x}_2} *det(J)* 
\frac{\partial \hat{x}_2}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial }{\partial 
\hat{x}_3} * det(J)*\frac{\partial \hat{x}_3 }{\partial x_1} != 0 (GCL says 
it should =0, similarly for x_2 and x_3)

If so or if not, also, has anybody found a remedy to have the inverse of 
the Jacobian from FE Values with MappingQGeneric to satisfy the GCL.

Thank you,

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