On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 12:42:17 AM UTC+1, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> > In my question I meant whether is it possible to evaluated plastic 
> strain 
> > component from currently implemented plasticity algorithm as a further 
> > development of this code? 
> I am pretty sure that it is, by just computing the difference between the 
> elastic stress (C eps(u)) and the actual stress computed. In fact, for the 
> current situation, the actual stress computed equal to the elastic stress 
> where it is less than the yield stress (and so the plastic strain is 
> zero), 
> and it is simply a fraction of the elastic stress where it exceeds the 
> yield 
> stress. Once you have the plastic stress, you can compute the plastic 
> strain 
> by multiplying it by C^{-1}. 
> Thank you very much Prof. Wolfgang for your suggestion and I hope you are 
> doing all well. As far as I understood now from your suggestion is that on 
> the base of additive decomposition, I can subtract elastic stress (C 
> eps(u)) from the actual stress computed to have the plastic stress part. 
> But here I just noticed in the program that we also need (eps(u)) or the 
> elastic strain part to have elastic stress part's value when the domain is 
> in the plastic region.

    In one dimension problem there is I think no problem because from 
stress strain curve one knows already the elastic stress value (which is 
yield stress) but here we have multidimensional problem i.e. stress and 
strain as a 2nd order tensor. Therefore I am thinking now that how this 
elastic strain tensor can be evaluated to have elastic stress part to be 
subtracted from total calculated stress. 
One of the idea I have so far is to use the calculated "strain_tensor" to 
find the elastic stress as  "elastic_stress_tensor = 
(stress_strain_tensor_kappa + stress_strain_tensor_mu) * strain_tensor". 
But again the point is that the "strain_tensor" here is the total strain 
rather than elastic strain component.  

Kindly correct me if I misunderstood your suggestion at any point or if 
there is an alternate approach possible. Thank you again in advance. 
Stay healthy stay safe!

> > Then as a step further I would be trying to store this plastic strain in 
> cells 
> > or Gauss points along with the modified yield strength (due to isotropic 
> > hardening) so that history of loading is stored too in the domain. 
> I imagine that that, too, can be done. I'm not an expert in plasticity, 
> but I 
> see no fundamental reasons why what you want to do should not be possible. 
> There are also classes CellDataStorage and TransferableQuadraturePointData 
> and 
> parallel::distributed::ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer that can help you 
> with 
> storing information at quadrature points. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bang...@colostate.edu 
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 

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