1. Unlike Step-7, I have Neumann-only BCs. In my prior experience with the FD and FV methods, this is a difficult problem. Is there any specific advice that can help me with this?

But step-7 also has Neumann boundary conditions. What is different in your case? That you *only* have Neumann boundary conditions? That doesn't present any real additional difficulties in time-dependent problems.

2. Step-15 solves a static non-linear problem and step-26 solves a linear time-dependent problem. I somehow need to combine these ideas to solve my non-linear time-dependent problem.  Does this mean, I first make the problem a static one by time discretisation (Rothe method), and apply Newton iterations at every time step. Also, it scares me to derive the Newton update equation symbolically and was thinking of automatic differentiation. Can this be done in an easier way than the sacado package interface? Also, the amount of boiler-plate code and text (step-33) for this auto diff is overwhelming for me.

These are all issues every user of deal.II has to sort out in some way or other -- and all eventually do! Just jump in head-first and see where things go :-)

In your case, I would start with a time discretized problem and add the nonlinearity later on.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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