Thank you so much for your kind explanation.

I thought that maybe the common landing page for all the tutorials (the one 
with the graphviz dot-diagram relationship) is a possible candidate. But I 
understand why its probably also not the best since most pages have already 
lengthy content and any additional wording is better reserved for technical 


On Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 2:05:41 PM UTC, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> > /"But they're all licensed under the same LGPL license."/ 
> > 
> > Ah. I get it now. The library includes the tutorials as well, right? So 
> > should apply everywhere. 
> Correct. Every tutorial file says that on line 8 :-) 
> > This is confusing because the number of deal.ii based user programs are 
> two 
> > orders of magnitude larger than the number of code gallery programs. 
> What is 
> > the vetting process of submissions and acceptance to the code-gallery? 
> Is this 
> > documented somewhere? 
> Yes, there are many more programs out there. But not everyone wants to 
> share 
> theirs. The procedure for contributing is documented if you hit the third 
> of 
> the orange buttons on the page I linked to: 
> > Is there a mechanism of linking an existing public 
> github/gitlab/bitbucket 
> > repo to the code gallery? That would be very useful since any time the 
> authors 
> > update their codes in github, the code gallery picks it up, and everyone 
> can 
> > benefit from the latest codes. 
> We don't have this kind of mechanism. But I think it's also the right 
> thing to 
> do to freeze the status of these programs at a time of submission. 
> Otherwise, 
> programs may work one day but not the next if you use someone's code you 
> don't 
> know, and the documentation may not actually describe the code as it is. 
> > /Copyright: You own what you wrote. We continue to own whatever we wrote 
> in 
> > your program (and grant you the right to use what we own as long as you 
> stay 
> > within the confines of the license). 
> > / 
> > / 
> > / 
> > So, at the top of my source code (licensed under LGPL), if I explicitly 
> assert 
> > my own copyright on a line of text, and below that just say "This 
> program is 
> > based on the step-xx tutorial of deal.II", will that be sufficient to 
> cover 
> > all the copyrights involved? 
> You're overthinking this. This is sufficient, but the point is that we 
> *want* 
> you to use our codes. 
> > All the information discussed so far in this question might be very 
> helpful if 
> > posted on the tutorial landing page in the deal.ii website. Anyone who 
> is 
> > looking to write code based on the tutorials can potentially benefit 
> from this 
> > info. 
> Like so many other pieces of information, it would be useful to state, but 
> there is no good place, and every place I can think of would distract from 
> lessons I think are far more important to teach at that place... 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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