*"We do the same on the velocity. That's why we integrate by parts the 

Thank you so much for clarifying. That explains it, and I now understand 
this fully.  The original sentence was a bit misleading. "In practice, one 
wants to impose as little regularity on the pressure variable as possible". 
For someone who hasn't studied fluid dynamics, it can potentially plant 
doubts in one's head to mean something like:

*"Perhaps there exists some special mathematical considerations informed by 
the physics of the pressure variable that requires it be as less regular as 
possible, and therefore maybe some extra work and careful thought is needed 
specifically for this problem, which is somehow different from all others 
studied in tutorials so far".  *

I shall now de-emphase this in my mind and take this sentence to mean as* 
"In practice, one wants to impose as little regularity on the pressure 
variable as possible (just like every field variable solved by the Galerkin 
method in every tutorial thus far)".*

Thanks a lot once again for the clarification. Apologies for asking such 
basic questions.


On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 9:20:56 PM UTC, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> On 3/10/20 12:59 PM, Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan wrote: 
> > Step-22 has a strong-sounding stub-like statement:/"In practice, one 
> > wants to impose as little regularity on the pressure variable as 
> possible". 
> > / 
> > / 
> > / 
> > The above one-liner (fairly enough) assumes domain knowledge. As a new 
> > entrant to deal.ii (haven't studied fluid mechanics before), may I ask 
> > the following? 
> > 
> >  1. Why do we impose as little regularity on the pressure as possible? 
> We do the same on the velocity. That's why we integrate by parts the form 
>    \int v (-Delta u) 
> to 
>    \int \nabla v . \nabla u 
> >  2. When I attempt to solve my own PDE (outside traditional areas such 
> >     as fluid or structural mechanics), what properties should I know 
> >     about the field variable to correctly apply the procedure and 
> >     learnings from this tutorial, i.e. what exactly is the regularity 
> >     condition mentioned here? 
> You'll have to take a second course on PDEs, and most importantly learn 
> a bit about the theory of weak solutions. Here's a patch that explains 
> this in about as much detail as I would like to go into: 
>    https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/9652/files 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bang...@colostate.edu 
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 

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