Step-20 tutorial says that:

*"It turns out that the usual discretizations of the Laplace equation (such 
as those used in step-3 
<>, step-4 
<>, or step-6 
<>) do not satisfy 
a desirable feature in typical porous media applications, i.e. that the 
numerical scheme is locally conservative, implying that whatever flows into 
a cell also flows out of it (or the difference is equal to the integral 
over the source terms over each cell, if the sources are nonzero). But, one 
can achieve this by choosing a different formulation of the problem and a 
particular combination of finite element spaces."*

Those arriving at the step-20 tutorial from step-6 (following the video 
lectures) can be taken by surprise by the above statement (since this may 
be a big jump in concepts to be understood). I know that this is not the 
responsibility of the library to impart the theoretical knowledge, but 
among the user community here, can someone point to a quick reference to a 
webpage or lecture slides that mathematically shows that the standard 
are not locally conservative while the proposed replacement scheme is?


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