On 1/12/20 9:17 PM, David Eaton wrote:
> My inflow condition is uniform. This formulation and mesh is tested in a 
> simple C++ code without library. TheĀ  large mesh near the inflow does not 
> give 
> this problem.
> Yes. I am using C0 element. I did calculation using tecplot. However, the 
> results from a my C++ code does not give this issue either. Just now, I check 
> the formulation again. Although I use Q2Q1 Taylor-Hood element without any 
> stabilization, these issues are still happening.

David -- we don't really know what formulation you are using, how you are 
implementing it, what you are comparing against, and a number of other factors.

If you have a formulation that computes u,p, and you are plotting the 
vorticity, you need to expect that the isocontours are discontinuous for the 
reasons Praveen already stated. If you are getting results that make no sense 
to you, then the first step would be to ensure that your program is converging 
as expected. To do this, choose a solution that you know and compute the error 
norm; then ensure that the program yields error norms that decrease as 
expected with mesh refinement.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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