On 10/23/19 3:05 AM, Prateek Sharma wrote:
> The problem that I am facing is that even if i extract the component of the 
> solution that I want to modify, I can't extract the information about the 
> gradient of the other component at the same node. We can extract the value of 
> the solution as well as the gradient at the same quadrature point, but how 
> can 
> we do it for a given node?

You can put the quadrature points on the node (=support) points. For this, you 
can query the finite element for its support points. But you'll have to figure 
out the right indexing scheme to make this work since there are going to be 
support points for all components of your solution vector.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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