Hi Marc,

Brew installs Lapack into /usr/local/Cellar/lapack/3.8.0_2.

If tried adding either the LAPCK_DIR, or the -DLAPACK_DIR to the 
deal_confopts, that didn't work though,

#Choose configuration and components of deal.II

I tried adding it lower in the cfg file which also didn't work.

# Do you want to use MKL?

Thank you for your input. I really appreciate it.



On Monday, October 14, 2019 at 6:48:37 AM UTC-7, Marc Fehling wrote:
> Hi David!
> On Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 4:34:22 AM UTC+2, David Ryan wrote:
>> I'm trying to get deal.ii installed using candi on my Mac running macOS 
>> Mojave.
>> Everything seems to work up till the deal.ii compiling where it tells me 
>> that it can't find the lapack libraries.
>> I've tried installing lapack through brew and from the website, but the 
>> installations can't seem to find the lapack libraries.
> Can you verify where brew installed your lapack library? I'm not familiar 
> with macOS, but at least you can query which files have been installed by a 
> package via linux repository managers. I assume you can do something 
> similar with brew as well.
> --   LAPACK_LIBRARIES: *** Required variable "_lapack_libraries" empty ***
> I assume the "_lapack_libraries" variable should have been set by candi 
> at some stage?
>>   Could not find the lapack library!
>>   Please ensure that a suitable lapack library is installed on your 
>> computer.
>>   If the library is not at a default location, either provide some hints 
>> for
>>   autodetection,
>>       $ LAPACK_DIR="..." cmake <...>
>>       $ cmake -DLAPACK_DIR="..." <...>
>>   or set the relevant variables by hand in ccmake.
> I'm not using candi either, but maybe there is a way to tell candi where 
> lapack is installed. Probably in a similar way as Wolfgang proposed.
> Hope this helps...
> Marc

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