[image: dd_vt.png]

Hi all, 

I have a question regarding how to efficiently interpolate the normal trace 
of flux in a slightly complicated scenario. To get a little perspective, 
here is a brief description of what I am trying to achieve: 


 *Context: *I am working on a domain decomposition technique for a 
time-dependent parabolic problem using mixed finite element( *RT_k x 
DGQ_k) * where I use *non-matching grid and non-matching time steps* for 
different sub-domains. As you can see from the figure, there is one extra 
dimension coming from time discretization. I need to project the normal 
component of flux across the colored interfaces in the figure. Ideally this 
would be easier if for flux I am working with a FE which is RT_k in the 
space dimension and DQ in the time dimension. But since I don't expect 
anyone to implement such a FE in dealii,  I figured I could use DQ_k on the 
colored interface to approximate the normal trace of the flux on the 

*Question: *If I start by assuming that I have values of the 
flux(approximated using RT_k elements for each fixed time step) at 
different points on the red interface from my earlier computations in terms 
of dof_handler for Omega_1 and solution_vectors for different time step, 
how do I efficiently use  this information to interpolate this to a DGQ_k 
function so that this new interpolated function will give the normal trace 
of flux on the red interface? I think this could be done with the help of 
FEFieldFunction class, but I would like to know if there is a more 
efficient way of doing this using some other function class. 

I'm sorry if  the problem seems convoluted, I thought about it quite a bit 
and I could try explaining more if needed. 

Any help is appreciated,


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