On Sep 30, 2019, at 5:29 PM, Marc Fehling 
<m.fehl...@fz-juelich.de<mailto:m.fehl...@fz-juelich.de>> wrote:


Hm. Turns out I had an explicit c++14 in my compiler specification. At least 
now I don’t get that fallthrough message anymore.

But I’m still not finishing the cmake.

So there is a ton of

-- Include 
-- SCALAPACK_LIBRARY not found! Call:
--     FIND_LIBRARY(SCALAPACK_LIBRARY NAMES scalapack scalapack-openmpi 
scalapack-pvm scalapack-mpi scalapack-mpich scalapack-mpich2 scalapack-lam 
HINTS PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 lib)
--   SCALAPACK_LIBRARIES: *** Required variable "SCALAPACK_LIBRARY" set to 
-- Could NOT find SCALAPACK
-- DEAL_II_WITH_SCALAPACK has unmet external dependencies.

reports. What do those mean? Are they fatal or is that only cmake discovering 
what’s available and what not?


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