Dear Jinhyun,

It is great to hear that our implementation has been useful for you. You 
are probably aware that we described the implementation in our paper here:, but 
there is also an earlier version of the article on Arxiv that is a bit more 
verbose about the reasoning behind our choice of property storage scheme: (see Section 2.6). The original 
version of these algorithms have been implemented for the ASPECT project 
(, and I can understand that some of 
the choices might not be optimal for your application. If you want to take 
a look at how we implement our properties (including a tensor valued 
property integrated_strain) you can find some examples here:

Basically, our intention behind the generic property storage type was that 
we do not want to require our users to derive new particle classes from the 
base class for every possible combination of particle properties. As we 
have a large selection of possible properties (you mentioned some), but 
only a subset of properties is actually used in each computation it would 
be wasteful to carry around particles with all properties, and it would be 
cumbersome to write new classes for every different application. May I ask, 
which part of the current approach worries you? The performance overhead 
from copying the properties once per time step should be small compared to 
actually solving equations, and as Wolfgang mentioned you can hide the 
conversion process by having functions like:

get_strain_tensor(const Particle<dim> &particle)
  ... do the conversion here

The main complication when creating child classes for particles would 
probably be the different memory layout. As particles get transferred a lot 
in parallel computation (when they move across domains, during adaptive 
mesh refinement steps, during checkpoints) the ParticleHandler class needs 
to know about their size, and how to serialize them, so if you plan to go 
ahead with a derived particle class this will be the most complicated step. 
This is where the generic particle property shines, because we can simply 
assume we need to store n_properties numbers, instead of figuring out the 
memory requirement for every particle property.

I hope that explains our reasoning behind the design. Let us know if you 
have ideas for how to extend the architecture, or if you have an 
application that absolutely requires an extension of the design.


On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 1:27:57 AM UTC-7, Jinhyun Choo wrote:
> Dear Wolfgang,
> Thanks for your answer. To be clearer, Yidong and I have been working on 
> the material point method (MPM) which is an offspring of the particle in 
> cell method. We have implemented in using deal.ii as described in our arxiv 
> preprint 
> <>.
> We are now working on parallelizing our implementation of MPM.
> As the MPM is developed for solid, a particle in MPM may contain a number 
> of tensors (e.g. stains, stresses, and internal variables) as well as 
> velocities, especially when the constitutive model is complex (typical for 
> geomaterials that we deal with). While it is technically possible to write 
> a function that converts a series of tensors into an array of double, it'd 
> be absolutely better if a particle can carry more general types of 
> properties. (If so, I think it can also be used for general nonlinear FE 
> for solid mechanics.) We'd appreciate it if you could think this as a 
> possible feature in the future!
> Best,
> Jinhyun
> On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 4:29:30 AM UTC+8, Wolfgang Bangerth 
> wrote:
>> On 9/13/19 1:53 AM, Yidong ZHAO wrote: 
>> > 
>> > I want to store some material properties in particle properties. If 
>> it's 
>> > complicated, I think a better way is to write an interpretation 
>> function. 
>> Yes, do the interpretation function. 
>> I've put my thoughts into some of the documentation. See here: 
>> Best 
>>   W. 
>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
>>                             www: 

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