>     1.
>     This seems like we are abusing the real_type for something it wasn't 
> intended
>     to do. Can you open a github issue with the error message you get with the
>     unmodified code? 
>     2.
>     I suspect that that would be useful in its own right. Can you open an
>     issue or
>     pull request for this as well?
> Should those be two different issues?

Yes, separate issues for separate issues :-)

>      > *3. I don't know how to fix*
>     Where exactly is this conversion necessary? 
> This occurs with AssertIsFinite in include/base/exceptions.h. The condition 
> to 
> be checked uses the include/base/numbers.h function is_finite() function. 
> However, the exception thrown (ExcNumberNotFinite) 
> usesĀ std::complex<double>(number)) to generate the signature.

What I meant is: Can you show the compiler error message that illustrates 
where the assertion is located, what the template arguments are, how it came 
that we called that function with these template arguments, etc?


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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