Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks very much for your clarification.

The code works fine now with the help of 
TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::mmult(), though, I understand, mmult is 


On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:43:04 AM UTC+2, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> On 8/27/19 2:23 PM, Charlie Z wrote: 
> > 
> > I find a conflict here is that:: 
> > 1) TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG can only be initialized with a 
> > matrix, but not a ApproximateSchurComplement; 
> > 2) step-20 uses ApproximateSchurComplement because we actually don't 
> > want to/can't assemble the Schur matrix or its inverse. 
> Yes, you correctly identified the issue. step-20 gets away with using 
> ApproximateSchurComplement as a preconditioner because, from the 
> perspective of GMRES, a preconditioner only has be able to provide a 
> matrix-vector product (i.e., apply itself to a vector). 
> But if you want to use an object to initialize a algebraic multigrid, 
> the AMG implementation needs to be able to do much more than just apply 
> the object to a vector -- it needs to build a multilevel hierarchy, and 
> for that it needs access to the elements that make up that matrix. The 
> problem is of course that ApproximateSchurComplement does not offer 
> access to the elements of the matrix it represents (because it never 
> explicitly computes them). 
> > Could you please give me a hint on how to solve this conflict in 
> > deal.II? Is it actually possible to assemble this B(DA^-1)BT directly? 
> Yes, of course. You can just multiply it out as the matrix-matrix 
> product of three matrices. The result is a square matrix of the right 
> size, with a rather large number of nonzero entries per row. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bang...@colostate.edu 
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 

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