Hi Gabriel,

I think tutorial step-22 (the part about renumbering dofs) discusses what 
you need:

You could do that when setting up your system:

std::vector<unsigned int> block_component(dim + 1, 0);
block_component[dim] = 1;

You could then access the velocity component of




Every second entry (in 2D) should then be your x-component of the velocity. ... 
at least as far as I recall (so better double check that)

Best, Konrad

Hey everyone,
> I have the following problem
> I have a classical velocity - pressure Blockvector "soluion" and a 
> FEsystem (initialized via
> *             fe(FE_Q<dim>(degree + 1), dim, FE_Q<dim>(degree), 1)*
> For some testing I want to get the velocity compontents of solution in 
> seperate vectors,
> i.e. a vector u_x which contains the velocity values of solution in 
> x-direction.
> I am not really sure yet how to get these values.
> My attempt is to use FEValues and quadrature points
> u_x.reinit(n_dofs_in_one_direction);
> *FEValues<dim>                             fe_values(fe, 
> quadrature_formula, update_values);*
> *std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>          velocity_values(n_q_points);*
> *const FEValuesExtractors::Vector   velocities(0);*
> *for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())*
> * {*
> *      fe_values.reinit(cell);*
> *      fe_values[velocities].get_function_values(solution, 
> velocity_values);*
> *    [...]*
> *}*
> With this procedure I get the vector of Tensors velocity_values, which 
> contains the velocity-values of "solution" in every direction at the 
> quadratue points. So now I an easily get the values of velocity_values in 
> the x-direction at the quadrature points. But how do I get the values of 
> u_x at the dofs?
> Does somebody have an idea how to fix this, or a better way to do handle 
> this?
> Best regards
> Gabriel

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