On 8/16/19 2:57 AM, Lukas Lamm wrote:
> thanks for your response. I was actually searching for some application 
> somehow similar to FE software like e.g. FEAP or Deadalon, where you can 
> e.g. easily implement any desired material model but do not have to care 
> about the whole assembly and solution process. At least not if you do 
> not explicitly want to. Writing it by myself would not be a problem I 
> guess, but would still be some effort. Therefore, I thought that maybe 
> someone alse is already working on such a package and I could 
> participate in the development process.

I suspect that he will chime in himself at some point, but you may also 
want to look at the functionality Jean-Paul Pelteret has implemented for 
the last release that allows you to just specify a stored energy and 
then get the residual and Newton matrix out of this by automatic 
differentiation. You should be able to find this in the AD namespace. 
The classes there have many example code snippets.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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