
I like to link all the dofs of all the nodes along an edge of the body 
together. So I find the first dof (dof i) located on the edge and then I 
try to link all the dofs on that edge (except i) to dof i. It does not work 
if I have sufficiently large number of processes where that edge is chopped 
by different MPI processes. I know why it does not work, but I don't know 
any methods that can provide my desired dof constraints. Anyone has 
attempted to solve something similar?

This is the error that I get with 8 MPI processes.


An error occurred in line <1607> of file 
in function

dealii::ConstraintMatrix::size_type, double)

The violated condition was: 

    !local_lines.size() || local_lines.is_element(column)

Additional information: 

    The index set given to this constraint matrix indicates constraints 
using degree of freedom 580 should not be stored by this object, but a 
constraint for degree of freedom 736 uses it.




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