On 5/13/19 8:45 PM, llf m wrote:
> I want to output the strain tensor and I use the *DataPostprocessorTensor 
> *which described in
> https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classDataPostprocessorTensor.html
>  .
> But as I am dealing with a vector-valued problem,
> how can I pass the displacement component of the solution to *DataOut* object?

You can't. You will always pass *all* solution variables associated with one 
DoFHandler to DataOut, and DataOut will always pass all solution variables on 
to the DataPostprocessor object. The question is simply what you do in a 
DataPostprocessor object with this information. You are, for example, free to 
ignore certain components of the input vector. If you just copied the strain 
postprocessor, this is probably exactly what happened: You just computed the 
strain from the first dim vector components of your solution, and whether or 
not there are additional vector components is none of your concerns -- i.e., 
you are simply ignoring them.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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