just as a reminder, registration for the deal.II workshop is still open and we 
will still consider applications until the end of the month!

   Wolfgang & Timo,

On 4/9/19 10:18 PM, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> Dear deal.II users and developers,
> The
>     Seventh deal.II Users' and Developers' workshop
> will be held August 6-9, 2019 in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. The
> intent of this workshop is to discuss applications and tools using
> deal.II, as well as future directions of the library itself.
> We invite proposals for talks and discussion topics by users and
> existing developers in the following areas:
>   - Use cases and applications of the library.
>   - What users think would be useful directions for the library to go into,
>     things that are missing, and possibly getting people together who can help
>     implement those parts.
>   - Newer parts of the library (e.g., geometry descriptions, large parallel
>     computations, etc.) and how these could help in your programs.
> A significant part of the time will be set aside for "hackathon"- or "code
> jam"-style sessions where people can ask questions, work on their codes
> with others, and receive help from experienced users.
> Registration:
> For workshop and registration information, see
> Deadline for registration: May 5, 2019. Participation is capped at
> around 60.
> Travel support:
> A limited amount of (domestic) travel support is available courtesy of the
> National Science Foundation, and will be given on a first come first serve
> basis, with preference to undergraduate and graduate students. If you need
> support, please state so in your registration.
> The organizers
>    Wolfgang Bangerth (Colorado State University,
>    Timo Heister (University of Utah,

Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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