Dear Wolfgang:

Thanks for your reply and suggestions, I will go to the source code of them.


在 2019年3月20日星期三 UTC+8下午9:09:40,Wolfgang Bangerth写道:
> On 3/19/19 10:39 PM, Yidong ZHAO wrote: 
> > 
> > While using a new kind of shape function, degrees of freedom on each 
> cell will 
> > couple to the degrees of freedom on other cells connected to the current 
> one 
> > by a common face or common vertex. 
> > 
> > From the description of make_flux_sparsity_pattern(), it can solve the 
> problem 
> > when two elements are connected by a common face, as depicted in 
> > elements_connected_by_common_line.png. 
> > 
> > But if it's the case as elements_connected_by_common_vertex.png, is 
> there any 
> > way to make_vertex_sparsity_pattern() ? 
> Yidong, 
> there is currently no function in deal.II that does this. But it should 
> not be 
> too hard for you to write one (in which case I would suggest you 
> contribute it 
> to deal.II! :) ). 
> In essence, the functions that build a sparsity pattern _simulate_ what 
> will 
> happen during assembly. They do not compute individual matrix elements, 
> but 
> investigate what entries will be written to, and those are the ones for 
> which 
> elements of the matrix are allocated in the sparsity pattern. You will 
> need to 
> do something similar for your case. 
> It would probably be useful for you to take a look at how the existing 
> functions are implemented. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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