I would like to implement Broyden's method, to speed up the assembly of the 
jacobian when solving a nonlinear system, which results in an equation 
containing the difference of the residual, the difference of the solution 
and the current jacobian matrix, i.e. 
J_{n+1}=J_n+\frac{\Delta f_n-J_n\Delta x_n}{\vert\vert \Delta 
x_n\vert\vert^2}\Delta x_n^T
Now I am not entirely sure how to implement that into the code, especially 
the matrix creation due to the multiplication of a row- and a 
column-vector, such that I get the same structure as the original jacobian 
matrix. If I understand it correctly I can use the same approach as shown 
in the matrix-free methods, f.ex. step-37, where I create the elements 
cell-wise, and distribute them afterwards. Is that correct, or are there 
better ways to implement Broyden's method?

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