Hello Dr. Bangerth,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I do appreciate you (and everyone
else) for taking their time in answering the question.

Yes, it is true that there are many lackings in the theory of finite
element. For the most part, I am self taught and doing my best to learn the
material at hand. With that, I do have a final question, would you be able
to recommend some books or authors that I can start looking into and

On Nov 8, 2018 12:45 PM, "Wolfgang Bangerth" <bange...@colostate.edu> wrote:

> Philip,
> > I was able to go through the paper from Jean-Paul more thoroughly a few
> > times. I do have a few questions regarding the paper.
> So many questions :-)
> Most of your questions -- like why the stress-strain tensor in
> elasticity has four indices, and whether or not to use mixed elements --
> are well answered in the literature. For the former, take a book about
> solid mechanics. For the latter take a good book about the theory of
> finite elements, but I think I also discuss this in one of the lectures
> about how to choose the element for a given equation.
> I, or J-P, or others could easily answer all of your questions here. But
> my impression is that you are lacking some foundational knowledge about
> common PDEs and their finite element discretization. Every answer we
> will give you will raise more questions. The only way to get ahead of
> this curve is to read.
> Of course, if you have questions *specific to deal.II*, then we're more
> than happy to answer them!
> Best
>   Wolfgang
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
>                             www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
> --
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