
> In short, I am modeling the maxwell equations for the electric field and 
> voltage scalar field. The equations that I am using are displayed below:
> div(*E*) = rho / epsilon where epsilon = epsilon_{0} * epsilon_{r} and 
> rho is the charge density of the material.
> -grad(V) = *E*
> *
> *
> Using Dr. Bangerth's recommendation, I am solving for the scalar voltage 
> field first then taking the gradient of my solution using the 
> DataPostprocessorVector class. This has worked extremely well in my test 
> program. For more information on that, see this post: 
> <>
> However, now that I am actually coding the solver of the simulation, I 
> will need to expand on my test simulation to include modeling 
> anisotropic materials.
> When the material is anisotropic, the epsilon value (the permittivity) 
> of the material is represented by a tensor. To make things slightly 
> simplified, I am only running 2D simulations.
> I am attempting to determine the best method on modeling these types of 
> materials. One approach that I have considered is to still solve for the 
> voltage scalar field. If I go with this approach, then I will end up 
> simulating a Possion equation where f = rho / epsilon and epsilon is a 
> tensor. My concern for this direction would be that the Laplacian 
> operator results in a scalar value. So I am not sure how I would handle 
> the tensor on the RHS. Unless Deal.II has some sort of provision for this.

Correct -- rho/epsilon doesn't make any sense.

The way to formulate this is to look at the mixed Laplace first. There, 
if you start with the primal formulation
   -div (K grad p) = f
and write it as a first order system, you arrive at the equation

   K^{-1}  \vec u - grad p = 0
   div  \vec u             = -f

as is explained in step-20. If you have an anisotropic material 
behavior, then K is not just a scalar, but in fact a matrix, and K^{-1} 
is its inverse. For physical reasons, K will have to be a symmetric and 
positive definite matrix, and consequently the same holds for K^{-1}.

Now how you implement something like this: This is actually already done 
in step-20, where we describe K (or, rather, its inverse) as a dim x dim 

This is then used in the matrix assembly here:


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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