Dear all,

If I don't have the exact solution, but I want to compute the L2 form of 
u_{h}-u_{finest} (i.e. see u_{finest} as the exact solution, and u_{finest} 
is the numerical solution with the finest mesh grid among the series we 
want to test, for example, the width of the unit meshgrid is h = 1/2^k, 
k=6,7,8,9,10. So the u_{finest}=u_{h=1/2^10}). Does deal.ii have a function 
template<int dim, class InVector , class OutVector , int spacedim>

void VectorTools::integrate_difference ( const Mapping 
<>< dim, 
spacedim > & mapping,
const DoFHandler 
<>< dim
, spacedim > & dof,
const InVector & fe_function,
const Function 
spacedim, double > & exact_solution,
OutVector & difference,
const Quadrature 
dim > & q,
const NormType 
& norm,
const Function 
spacedim, double > * weight = nullptr,
const double exponent = 2. 

and doesn't use 

const Function 
 spacedim, double > & exact_solution,
but use

const InVector & fe_function,
at this location of input parameters. Thanks in advance!


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