Dear Chucui,

I don’t use this functionality myself, so I can only point you to the test 
suite <> where 
its functionality is tested. Here 
<> is 
one example where a distributed triangulation is saved and loaded, and here 
<> is 
one where a distributed triangulation + solution is saved and loaded with a 
different number of MPI processes.


> On 05 Nov 2018, at 09:13, wrote:
> Dear Jean-Paul,
> Thanks for your reply! And I am interested in 'the serialization 
> capabilities', can you give me a little example or code to show me how it 
> work. For me the ASPECT library 
> <>
>  is an entile new one, I cannot find the example that shows the serialization 
> capabilities exactly, so I need some help. And is the point of  'the 
> serialization capabilities' a fundamental point of C++? Does it only work at 
> some projects such as  the ASPECT library 
> <>
>  you mentioned above? Thank you very much!
> Best,
> Chucui
> 在 2018年11月5日星期一 UTC+8下午3:36:59,Jean-Paul Pelteret写道:
> Dear Chucui,
> The Triangulation 
> <>,
>  DoFHandler 
> <>
>  and Vector 
> <>
>  classes support serialization, that is to say that they have built-in save() 
> / load() functions. The GridIn::read_vtk() 
> <>
>  function can supposedly construct a triangulation from a solution vector, 
> but I’m not sure if this is working at the moment (see this GitHub issue 
> <>). I don’t think that there 
> exists a mechanism to read in the numerical data from VTK file as of yet. So 
> I would suggest that you utilise the serialization capabilities, which should 
> allow a complete restart of a simulation from any tilmestep. I understand 
> that this is what the ASPECT library <> does.
> Although it does not directly help you restart a simulation using VTK data, I 
> hope that you find this information useful.
> Best,
> Jean-Paul
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