Dear Prof. Wolfgang

Please add my PhD thesis which used DEAL.II on simulation of hydro 
mechanical coupling of fractured porous media by embedded fractured 
continuum approach (EFCA)
Title: "A hydro-mechanical modeling of double porosity and double 
permeability fractured reservoirs", France, 2018

By this email, I also thank to all DEAL.II users and DEAL.II developers 
especially Prof. Thomas WICK who helped me to finish my PhD work in France.

On Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 2:33:37 PM UTC+7, Alberto Salvadori wrote:
> Dear Wolfgang,
> we just published the paper:
> A. Salvadori Et Al, "Modeling and Simulation of VEGF Receptors Recruitment 
> in Angiogenesis," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article 
> ID 4705472, 10 pages, 2018. 
> using and quoting deal.ii . 
> Best and thanks again for your efforts, deal.ii is a great tool for 
> numerical science indeed.
> Alberto
> Il giorno martedì 24 aprile 2018 19:41:14 UTC+2, Wolfgang Bangerth ha 
> scritto:
>> All, 
>> as you may know, we try to list all publications based on deal.II at 
>> We use this list to justify the effort we spend on writing this 
>> software, both to our universities as well as the funding agencies that 
>> support its development. 
>> In anticipation of the next release, we would like to update this page. 
>> If you have (or know of) a publication that uses deal.II for numerical 
>> results and that isn't already listed, please let us know so we can put 
>> it on there. For this purpose, publications also include MSc, Diploma or 
>> PhD theses, or anything else that may seem appropriate. 
>> Thanks! 
>>    Wolfgang 
>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
>>                             www: 

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