The number of unknowns in the third case is 89373 (31*31*31*3). I ran it on
my pc with a cpu of i7-7700K. For the cg case, it used the PETSc's cg and
PETSc's blockJacobi preconditioner (which is the default setting in step-17).
The timing includes the time to build the preconditioner and the time to
solve. And I re-checked the timing, I it really just about 0.4s (to timing cg,
I only added timing, and changed the meshing process, and did no other
modifications to step-17).
BlockJacobi builds an LU decomposition of that part of the matrix that is
stored locally. So it's a really expensive preconditioner to build (which I
gather you don't include in the time?) but then solves the problem in only a
few iterations. If you want a fair comparison, you need to include the time to
build the preconditioner.
I understand the situation now. I am interested in the "block" variants of
CG you mentioned, does TrilinosWrappers or PETScWrappers has that kind of CG
There are no wrappers. I believe that Trilinos has them, and PETSc does not.
So you would have to interface with Trilinos directly.
Wolfgang Bangerth email:
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