Dear Wolfgang,

thanks for your detailed explanation and also for the proposed solution. I 
will think about this possibility.


Am Montag, 27. August 2018 22:41:09 UTC+2 schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth:
> On 08/27/2018 02:06 AM, Dustin Kumor wrote: 
> > 
> > I like to create a three dimensional Lagrange finite element that uses 
> > ansatz functions of the following form: N_i (x,y,z) = q_i(x,y) p_i (z), 
> > where q_i (x,y) are the basis functions of a two dimensional Lagrange 
> > finite element of arbitrary degree, basically FE_Q<2> (degree) and p_i 
> > are the basis functions of a linear Lagrange finite element FE<1> (1). 
> This does not work in deal.II. One of the fundamental assumptions made 
> many many years ago and very deep down in the code is that the number of 
> degrees of freedom per vertex/line/face is the same for all 
> vertices/lines/faces of a cell. But, if you wanted an element that has, 
> for example, linear shape functions in x-direction and quadratic shape 
> functions in y-directions, you would have to use one degree of freedom 
> for the two horizontal lines in 2d, but none for the vertical lines. 
> The only way you can achieve what you want to do is to define the 
> element as discontinuous because, then, there are no degrees of freedom 
> on vertices/lines/faces. Of course, if you want the space to be 
> continuous, you will have to enforce that in some other way. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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