HI Bruno,

That is correct. How would i use fe_values.get_function_values to 
interpolate though? Since I have to get the values off of domain 1 only (as 
my domain 2 has been added to the domain 1, and I only have the solution f 
- or as you call alpha - in a domain that consists of only domain 1). This 
i'm considering a problem as I have to redistribute my dofs once I have the 
new domain comprising domains 1 and 2. 

On Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 5:08:50 PM UTC+1, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
> Le mar. 31 juil. 2018 à 11:49, Jane Lee <jane...@maths.ox.ac.uk 
> <javascript:>> a écrit :
>> What i then have got is an extra bit of domain added onto my domain 1. To 
>> solve for another variable in this new domain, I need to know f in my 
>> domain 1 (which I have solved for), and for the rest of the added domain 
>> (let's call it 2, where the new domain is the union of 1 and 2) I know what 
>> the variable f is, but basically I don't know how to tell the next solver 
>> what f is in domain 2. For the bits in domain 1, i could just do something 
>> like: fe_values.get_function_values if my domain remained as domain 1. But 
>> since my domain has changed, I'm not sure what to do. 
> So if I understand correctly you have f on domain 1 which you know 
> numerically, g on domain 2 that you know analytically, and h which is equal 
> to f on domain 1 and g on domain 2 and your problem is that you can't use 
> VectorTools::interpolate because you don't have an analytical formula for 
> f. Can you say that alpha is a function that is equal to f on domain 1 and 
> zero on domain 2 and use fe_values.get_function_values. Similarly say that 
> beta is equal to g on domain 2 and zero on domain 1 and use 
> VectorTools::interpolate. Now you have two vectors one associate to alpha 
> and to beta and you can simply add them to get the evaluation of h. Does 
> that do what you want?
> Best,
> Bruno

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