Thank you JP,

your hints are highly appreciated. I will work on creating my own data
structure, to see how complex and effective it can be. In the meanwhile
though I made some tests with "almost" zero volumes cohesive interfaces and
they are indeed simple and effective. So, if there is a chance to allow
designing these elements in deal.ii I guess it is beneficial. I became
aware that in many cases of interface problem using zero volume elements is
a natural choice and papers have been extensively written on how to
implement them in Abaqus or other commercial tools. If I can be of any help
in promoting the discussion on github I will definitely do.

Thank you again,


*Alberto Salvadori* Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura,
Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica (DICATAM)
 Universita` di Brescia, via Branze 43, 25123 Brescia
 tel 030 3711239
 fax 030 3711312


On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 8:27 AM Jean-Paul Pelteret <>

> Hi Alberto,
> This is simply not possible. The deal.II triangulation contains as much
> information as it needs, and we do not associate a normal with a volume.
> Normals are computed internally (and not stored!) based not only on the
> geometry of each real but also the mapping associated with the cell face.
> So if we read this data in, and then you associated a non-flat manifold
> with a face then you’d end up with a mis-match between the read-in normal
> and that determined by the manifold definition and mapping.
> If it were possible to create a zero-thickness element, then one might
> simply create a rule as to what you consider the “normal” to be. So, when
> looping over the faces of the zero-thickness element (as one would do to
> perform surface integration) then one might simply only perform the
> integration on faces shared with, say, domain 1. This way the normal is
> well defined, and completely independent of how the grid is created.
> Best,
> J-P
> On 26 Aug 2018, at 12:07, Alberto Salvadori <>
> wrote:
> As a short follow up of the former question, I wonder how to pass
> geometrical information to a triangulation, if they are not included in the
> file read by As an example connected to the problem described
> above, consider the notion of "normal" at point 1/2 (in 3D: normal at the
> surface that joins the two subdomains). One can easily identify a normal
> for each "zero-thickness" element based on the gmsh file numeration, but it
> looks to me that in the read.msh function the elm_number plays no role in
> the triangulation defined by deal.ii. If this is correct, how to pass the
> geometrical info to the deal.ii triangulation?
> Thank you very much for any suggestions,
> Alberto
> Il giorno venerdì 24 agosto 2018 14:39:41 UTC+2, Alberto Salvadori ha
> scritto:
>> Thank you Wolgang and Jean Paul.
>> In these days I made some implementation in the line you propose but I am
>> not happy with it and thus I am asking advices on a different path of
>> reasoning.
>> In brief: I'd like to design an algorithm to solve a problem over two
>> separate domains connected by an interface. Think in 1D of  line 0_1
>> separated in two parts 0_1/2 and 1/2_1.
>> In the simplest case, a linear elastic problem on each subdomain with a
>> spring that joins the two sides located at point 1/2. The boundary
>> conditions of the two parts at point 1/2 are a linear combination of the
>> solutions on the two boundaries.
>> The weak form of this problem can easily be written and surface integrals
>> involving unknowns arise. I tried to solve this with the algorithm
>> suggested by Wolfgang, and it works fine for very small meshes. However,
>> this strategy would imply that for each cell on the boundary (at point 1/2
>> for the domain 0_1/2) one has to seek trough the whole triangulation for
>> the cell that corresponds to point 1/2 in the remaining part (1/2_1). This
>> procedure is very expensive, or at least that comes out to me. (By the way,
>> although the triangulation is parallel shared I can only see cells on the
>> same node: shall I use a specific iterator?).
>> To circumvent the issue, one could define a zero-thickness element at
>> point 1/2 (called cohesive in the literature sometimes) because in such a
>> case the element brings in all the connectivities that are required and one
>> can still define the tangent stiffness matrix based on surface integrals. I
>> have been working on this idea but I run into a major problem in loading
>> the triangulation from gmsh, since elements with zero volume are not
>> considered to be good as for now. I wonder if one could get rid of this
>> control or if zero-volume condition is used all over deal.ii as a check of
>> something going wrong.
>> In fact one could also move the nodes a bit to generate "almost" zero
>> volumes. In some cases it can be done easily, but in general this approach
>> is unfeasible for complex meshes.
>> I appreciate your comments.
>> Best
>> Alberto
>> Il giorno lunedì 13 agosto 2018 21:47:29 UTC+2, Wolfgang Bangerth ha
>> scritto:
>>> On 08/08/2018 02:03 AM, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
>>> > Hi Alberto,
>>> >
>>> > I have dealt with a similar problem where I needed to transmit
>>> solution
>>> > values between two different problems that shared a common interface.
>>> If
>>> > I remember correctly, the way that I did this was to precompute the
>>> > positions at which I would need the solutions from problem 1 for
>>> problem
>>> > 2. In a post processing step for problem 1 I then computed this data
>>> up
>>> > front (cache it) and then fetch it from problem 2. This avoided the
>>> > issue of going to look for which cell in problem 1 a point in problem
>>> 2
>>> > lay. I did this all manually, but I guess that this approach could be
>>> > made simpler now that we have GridTools::compute_point_locations()
>>> > <
>>>  which
>>> > allows a speedy lookup between a point and its containing cell.
>>> >
>>> > FEFieldFunction has a cache so you could also investigate using it
>>> > (maybe it wouldn’t be too slow for your case). It also has the
>>> > set_active_cell()
>>> > <
>>>  function
>>> > so you could create a lookup between a point in problem 1 and a cell
>>> in
>>> > problem 2 again using GridTools::Cache
>>> > <
>>>  (although
>>> > I’m guessing that this is what it does internally).
>>> This is indeed what you would do if you had separate meshes. The better
>>> approach, of course, is to use the same mesh for both problems. In that
>>> case, you can use this to obtain the gradients of the Poisson solution
>>> un at the quadrature points on the faces where you need these values for
>>> the second problem:
>>>    FEFaceValues poisson_fe_face_values (...);
>>>    std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>> un_gradients (...);
>>>    std::vector<double> un_dot_n_values (...);
>>>    for (cell=...)
>>>      for (face=...)
>>>        if (face is interesting)
>>>        {
>>>          poisson_fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face);
>>>          poisson_fe_face_values.get_function_gradients
>>> (poisson_solution,
>>>                                                         un_gradients);
>>>          for (q=0...)
>>>            un_dot_n_values[q] = un_gradients[q] *
>>> poisson_fe_face_values.normal_vectors(q);
>>> assembly for the second problem using the values of
>>>             (grad un).n just computed...
>>>        }
>>> Best
>>>   W.
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       
>>>                             www:
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