Dear all,

I was trying to install dealii version 9.0.0 on department cluster using 

git clone

cd candi


but I got the following error (it worked well for the installation of older 
version though):


*candi tries now to download, configure, build and install:*

*Project:  deal.II-toolchain*

*Platform: ./deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/linux_cluster.platform*

*Loading dealii-prepare*

*Skipping opencascade*

*Skipping parmetis*

*Skipping hdf5*

*Skipping p4est*

*trilinos: configuration with ParMETIS*

*Skipping trilinos*

*PETSc: configuration with ParMETIS*

*Skipping petsc*

*Skipping slepc*

*deal.II: configuration with METIS*

*deal.II: configuration with P4EST*

*deal.II: configuration with HDF5*

*deal.II: configuration with TRILINOS*

*deal.II: configuration with PETSC*

*deal.II: configuration with SLEPC*

*deal.II: configuration with OPENCASCADE*

*Fetching dealii v9.0.0*

error: pathspec 'master' did not match any file(s) known to git.

*Failure with exit status: 1*

*Exit message: candi: git checkout master --force failed*



I tried to fix with the following 


git remote update

git fetch 

git checkout --track origin/<BRANCH-NAME>


suggested in


but it does not seem to work in my case.


Many thanks for any suggestion. 



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